Back story of Lisa Quintana:
Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve dreamed of being someone great, and leaving a mark on the world. Being older and hopefully a little wiser, I realize that the only mark worth leaving is sharing the ‘mark of the cross’ and what Jesus did on it.

Growing up in Southern California, everyone wanted to be a rock star, actor or model. I wanted to be all three! I decided on a more practical route and became a radio broadcast journalist (KTMS NEWS late 80’s & early 90s), only to discover reporting on bad news all day, week after week, year after year, was not how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. So, I did what all former reporters do… became a P.R. (public relations) person. That career lasted until I had my first child. I quit my job to stay home and raise my baby girl. Then I had a son, and stayed home longer. Finally, realizing that I had stayed home long enough to be less competitive in the marketplace, I went back to school to pursue my deepest passion – God. Now I am here, blogging and sharing the good reasons to believe Christianity is true.
I was drawn to apologetics (the study of the evidence for the Christian faith) by a circuitous route. I have had skeptics in my family. So when I became a Christian at 25 years old, they thought I had joined a cult. Seriously. Decades later, I hope they see that differently. Yet their questions drove me to learning why Christianity is evidentially true, not just based on my feelings. So God does use all things for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
After a long journey of trying to figure it out, I have found some of the answers but still a lot of questions. However, the answers are intriguing! Journey with me to discover more about this wild ride called life, as we learn to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our MINDS: to Think Divinely!
Bio – Lisa Quintana is a Christian Apologist and the Lead Instructor at City Church and Christian Life College in Madison, a contributing writer for the the Worldview Bulletin, and occasionally speaks apologetics. She lives with her husband of over 30 years, and has two grown children.
Published – Lisa’s blogs have been published on numerous websites, including: Apologia Homeschool Devotional, ThePoachedEgg, Reasonable Faith (chapter in Honolulu), the Biola University Chimes Newsletter, and many articles for the Women in Apologetics website.
Lisa Q. was taught and mentored by Sean McDowell, world-renowned apologist, Biola Professor, author and Spiderman fanatic! He always encourages his students to speak the truth in love.

Lisa Q. also studied under J. (Jim) Warner Wallace, author of Cold Case Christianity, and has been asked to review some of his books, like God’s Crime Scene.

• Masters, Apologetics, Biola University (2017)
• Associate of Arts, Christian Studies, Christian Life College, Illinois (2012)
• Bachelors, Communications, California State University at Fullerton (1988)
Speaking Engagements: Please e-mail for arrangements: