
Women in Apologetics National Conference. Photo by Pam Williams,  pavonne.com.

Topics Lisa can speak on:

  • The Reliability of the New Testament Scriptures
  • Why God Allows Suffering?
  • Cosmology – What Started Everything?
  • Sharing Your Faith in a Culture of Confusion
  • Is the Bible Sexist?
  • How to Teach Your Children Basic Apologetics

Would you like “Lisa Q” to speak at your event?

Currently Lisa accepts local speaking engagements during the school year, and will travel to engagements elsewhere during the summer months, June – August.

Contact via email: LisaQthinkdivinely@gmail.com, or you can use this barcode (pictured below) and request me through “WomenSpeakers.com”:

Interview with Zac Sechler, host of “Adherent Apologetics” on the problem of evil and other criticism against Christianity:

Why women should learn apologetics — watch this:

How to Share Your Faith in a Divisise Culture – listen to this podcast interview on Faithfully Livenhttps://www.buzzsprout.com/2245477/14915265

Listen to my lecture on:
“Why God allows Evil & How to Comfort Those Affected”—

One of the most difficult aspects of life is the problem of evil and suffering. This shakes even the most faithful person at times, and it is an honest stumbling block to those who have yet to find faith in Christ. If you take the time to listen to my lecture on this very emotional issue, you will gain insight that will help you on your faith journey:

LINK – Inspire U Women’s Conference 


Christian Life College – Currently Lead Instructor at the Madison satellite campus, and will be lecturing regularly.

Lead Instructor for “School of the Bible,” an adult ministry at City Church, Madison. This bi-monthly class is held on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays evenings, each month.

Upcoming Engagements & Past Events

March 6, 2025 – Parenting with Apologetics & Authenticity, Hartland, WI

July 21, 2023 – Christianity is Falsifiable, PrimeTimers Group, Madison, WI

April 14, 2023 – Evidence of The Resurrection, PowerHouse Christian School, Sun Prairie, WI

5th Annual Women in Apologetics National Conference“The Case for the Gospels”, Saturday, June. 11, 2022, Boca Raton, Florida.

UW Green Bay – Ratio Christi presentation: “God, Science & Beginnings”, February 23, 2022.

4th Annual Women in Apologetics National Conference – Lisa conducted a workshop on how to get started in apologetics, Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021.

Voices of WIA (Women in Apologetics) – Lisa interviewed all of the speakers at the 2020 conference in January, one month before the pandemic closed everything down.

Discovering Hope in the Psalms – a 2019 Summer women’s bible study on Jean E. Jones creative bible study book.

April 3, 2019—School of the Bible class. Lisa taught a Bible class on the Ephesians to 2 Thessalonians.

April 1, 2019—“Why God allows suffering?” — at the Ratio Christi chapter held at the U.W. Madison.

March 23. City Church Leadership Seminar – Lisa taught on “Women in Leadership.”

Feb. 4, 2019—Lisa presented on the “Reliability of the New Testament” Gospels at the Ratio Chrisi chapter held at the U.W. Madison.

Jan. 12, 2019—Women in Apologetics (WIA) National Conference. Lisa conducted a break-out session on combining evangelism techniques with apologetics, entitled: “With Gentleness & Respect.”

Dec. 19 – School of the Bible: Lisa taught on the last four books of the Old Testament, the minor prophets.

August, 2018— Rochester, Minnesota. Lisa helped the Vital Church ministry team with a transitional diagnostic report on the health and vitality of a local church going through a crisis.

June – July, 2018: “Heaven” – a women’s study on our eternal home.

May 2, 2018—”Dealing with Difficult Questions” class. Lisa presented on ‘Why God Allows Evil & Suffering‘.

March 24, 2018—”City Church Leadership Seminar”. Lisa presented on “Rethinking For the Bible Tells Me So

 February 3, 2018—”Truth: the Heartbeat of God” Women’s Conference. Lisa conducted a breakout session on “When Skeptics Ask.”

January 19 & 20, 2018—The National Inaugural Women in Apologetics Conference, Biola University, CA. Lisa spoke on the The Reliability of the Gospels.

October 13 & 20, 2017— UW Upperhouse, Lisa spoke on the issues of Can Science & Faith Agree?

October 2016, Why God Allows Evil & How to Comfort Those Affected, InspireU Women’s Conference, Elmbrook Church, Brookfield, WI.


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Disclosure of Material Connection:  I have not received any compensation for any of these posts. I have no material connection to the entities I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”