I saw this question posted on Twitter by Lee Strobel and, having just finished the Book of Hebrews, that answer came easily to me—shakable.
The Book of Hebrews, written to newly-converted Jews, goes into great detail of how Jesus was the final sacrifice once for all. The unknown author (scholars have not been able to precisely define who it might have been) knows a lot about the Jewish practices and sacrifices. He goes into how these things could never fully forgive sin, and that the Law only points to a forgiveness higher than that of continual sacrifice. We needed God to step into our reality and pay the price… because it is only God who can ultimately redeem the image of God (that’d be us).
But what struck me was the word “unshakable.”
“So since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us give thanks, and through this let us offer worship pleasing to God in devotion and awe.”
— Hebrews 12:28 (NET Bible)
The year 2020 was the year that everything was shaken. Our health was shaken, our confidence was shaken, our sense of control was shaken, our idols were shaken, our politics were shaken, our sense of justice was shaken… just about everything we can think of has been shaken.

It’s easy to answer that in the natural. It was a virulent virus and heated division. But as many believing Christians know, God allows bad things to happen because we have free will, and the world is not yet set to perfection. However, suffering is not in vain in the Kingdom of God because He does not waste anything. He uses all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28).
So, this Covid-19 pandemic has been used of God, in my opinion, to shake things up in order for us to stop and remember the things are that NOT shakable.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
— Hebrews 13:8
As I enter into the year 2021, I am going to remember the One who is NOT shakable, and continue to place my trust in the One who never changes. That is the solid rock (Matt. 7:24) I can stand on for this New Year, and I am blessed to be able to stand at all. I pray that you stand on the Rock that is unshakable, too.

I totally agree, Yes and Amen!
I just love this so much! I have been trying to come up with just one word, which by now I am sure you realize is very tough for me. Haha. I may just have to adopt yours!
Thank you for this and may blessing of God’s presence be know to you always! Maria
I know, right? One word for writers is challenging. Thanks for your comment, Maria. Happ(ier)y New Year!
Lisa, you nailed it! Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. May we cling to the Rock of our salvation. The One who was and is and is to come. May the peace we carry, be a beacon of light to point others to Christ. Blessings to you and yours in the year ahead!
Thanks, Melissa! Happy New Year to your & yours!
Thank you for this message, Lisa. Excellent insights and all absolutely true. Christ, the Solid Rock, is all we can stand on, and all we need.
Debra! It’s so good to hear from you. I always appreciate your insight. God’s blessings on your New Year!
What a great post! Having written blogs about Hebrews all year, your thoughts and conclusions were quickly comprehended. Everything was indeed shaken this year, including us, our politics, our families, our norms, our routines, our churches, our shopping, our plans, our travels, and our ways of doing everything. This has happened to me personally before, BUT in this shaking, every one of us all across the world were a part of the shaking. It wasn’t simply our family, feeling alone in our situation. There was camaraderie in this, for we were all being shaken as God’s Kingdom proved itself to be unshakeable. We shared a common experience, which made for greater understanding of one another as we traveled through this jointly. No one ever needed to describe their suffering, for we all knew. We were on the same page. We knew. As such, it was one of the most glorious times of suffering that any of us may ever experience, a bonding event that we’ll likely refer to and recall for the rest of our lives.
I too plan to stand on my unshakable rock in the new year. It is such a blessing to know that God remains unshakable no matter what is happening around us. Thanks for the encouragement and wonderful reminder. Happy New Year Lisa.
Psalm 75 says when the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, God is the one who keeps its foundations firm. The ground is shaking under our boots–but He holds us firmly. Thanks, Lisa. God bless!
This is good, Lisa. 2020 left most of us shaking in our boots, or whatever our choice of footwear. Yet, we have been given a Kingdom that is unshakable! Hallelujah!
I love this Lisa – so spot on!!