I am a regular contributor to Quora. Even though I wanted to be available to answer Christian-related questions, sometimes I get asked questions about money and wealth. Lots and lots of questions about it. Seems people are pretty fixated on riches. Anyway, here’s one answer I wrote back to Quora in response to this question:
Why do people have the urge to steal stuff if they have money?
From a Christian viewpoint, we call the tendency to do dumb stuff like stealing, “sin.” We’re all tempted, at one time or another, to do things we shouldn’t simply for the thrill of it. It’s like tasting the “forbidden fruit” — that rush we get from doing something we know is wrong —just to be rebellious. We hope we won’t get caught, and that’s adds to the thrill of it; a sense of excitement from getting away with something we shouldn’t have done.

I assume a person who has lots of money yet still chooses to steal is doing it for the thrill of it. Perhaps he’s doing it as a cry for help, too. Sometimes people do stupid stuff because they don’t feel noticed, or seen, by others. It’s negative attention. But ultimately, it all boils down to our struggle with sin. No one is immune to it, and it’s been happening for all of humanity.
God warned Cain, way back at the dawn of civilization, that sin must be conquered or it will conquer you. “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Genesis 4:7.)
We must rule over sin or it will rule over you.
— Lisa Quintana
The biggest lie about sin is that there are no consequences. That’s deception. Here’s the truth – if you’re not caught now, you’ll be caught eventually (even if it’s on the other side of this life). So, if a rich man steals and gets away with it, he may attempt it again just for the sheer thrill of it. Eventually, however, it will catch up to him. Sin always does.
Excellent teaching, Lisa! The struggle with sin is real. For every one of us. You explained this so clearly and succinctly. And we will answer to God for our actions when we get to heaven, even if no one else sees. God sees. Thankfully, he has sent the solution for our sin. Jesus!
Thanks for the kind compliment, Melissa. Bless you!
I love your wisdom in this post. It also made me think about how many of us steal from God when we don’t give our tithe or help those in need. And I think everyone is capable of it. As we focus on money, we think not giving will allow us to do more for ourselves.
Thanks, Yvonne. You’re so right in that we often steal from God, who ultimately owns everything. I mean, He provides all the resources we need on this planet, and most of us just use them without even giving a second thought to even saying, “Thank you.” So yeah… good reminders that we not only should say thanks, but give back out of a reverence for the One who gave it all. Bless you!
You provided the best answer possible to why rich people might possibly steal. We’re all so broken that our reasons are often so muddled that even WE don’t know why we’ve chosen to sin and have continued down that path. The older we become, the more aware we are of just how sin saturated we are. If not, we’re not really growing in Christ, though we may be acquiring head knowledge. You always provide great answers to sticky questions, Lisa!
Thanks, Melinda! I think God has that for me – to answer those “sticky questions.” LOL
Our area is dealing with the aftermath of hurricane Dorian. Nothing like the Bahamas and other areas, but we are cleaning up debris, etc and waiting for electricity in some areas. During this time, local authorities have warned everyone to be aware of people who will be stealing and trying to take advantage of others. This morning my husband witnessed a man stealing a t.v. from a local store. Sin is sin and stealing is never right. Unfortunately the thief was not caught. He will have to answer to God when the time comes.
Oh dear, Melissa! I am sorry for that storm causing such problems, especially those who try and take advantage of a bad situation. But I am glad you’re safe! Thanks for your comments.
Interesting thoughts, Lisa. There’s an innate tendency for humans to do wrong. It does seem the thrill of it entices us at times. And I agree, sometimes it’s a cry for help. Especially if the screams for attention went unnoticed. For what other reason would a person who had plenty need to steal?