“Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne…”
Matthew 19:28
What keeps many from believing in God is all the evil they see happening around them: wars, random shootings, rapes and the like. There is a sense of injustice within humanity’s soul. We know something isn’t right, yet we can’t quite put our finger on it. That’s because we were created to be in a perfect place but something happened. We were given a choice—to obey God or to go our own way. We chose the latter (Genesis 3).
Oh, how I long for the renewal of all things. As I age, as I see the news, as I am saddened by many things happening in the world today, my heart longs for that lost paradise. When God created us, He placed us in a garden where all of our needs were met and things were most peaceful. But we all know the end of that story. Thank goodness that wasn’t the final ending! There is the promise of things being restored, someday.
There are many renewals that occur in the spiritual Kingdom of God. When we get saved, there is a renewal by the Holy Spirit (Titus. 3:5), which helps sanctify a person. This includes a renewal of strength (Is. 57:10) to endure and not to faint in the call to fulfill the Great Commission—spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
Yet in Matthew, Jesus was telling His disciples about the renewal of all things that will ultimately be in heaven. He didn’t say “replacement.” So, we can assume this means that the things we have today will still exist in heaven, but in a better form, or a “renewed state.”
There is a renewal of races, for there is no longer any differences, but Christ is all and is in all (Col. 3:11). This should manifest now, on Earth, in the Body of Christ. But it will fully manifest in Heaven, where sin no longer entangles. Praise God for that day – sin will no longer entangle us! Woot – happy dance!
One of the best renewals, in my opinion, is the renewal of mind (Rom. 12:2) that helps us today in discernment, by testing and approving what God’s will is — His good, pleasing and perfect will. This helps us bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. We need to remember our call here on Earth and to fulfill it.
When we pass on, however, our renewed minds will be even more evident! Paul says that we only know things in part now but in heaven, “we will know fully, and be fully known.” (1 Cor. 13:12.) I don’t read this to mean that we will be omniscient, as only God can be ‘all-knowing.’ Instead, I see this as being fully accepted, knowing how all the things that went on during our earthly existence weave together and touch the fabric of other people’s lives. I think we will finally say, “Oh, now I get it!” That will be a blessed renewal.
Think Divinely: Heaven will be a place where all things will be renewed: your mind, your being, the natural world…
all will be in a perfected state.
One of my favorite verses of all time is in Revelation, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And I hear Jesus words echoed by Isaiah, “see, I am doing a new thing.”
I. Cannot. Wait. Come Lord Jesus.
Amen! Thanks for your comment. Blessings to you!
Lisa, this is a great encouragement for every day! He has made us new, the day we accepted Jesus, is making all things new, as we walk with Christ through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. And yes, one day things will be made new beyond our understanding. And it will be beautiful! This gives us comfort from our past, strength for today and hope for tomorrow. What a Savior!
Hey Melissa! And God uses people to encourage us, too, as He certainly has used you to encourage me! Thanks for your comment. God bless you!