The secret of the Christian hope
I can’t tell you how many posts I see regularly from Christians that expect politicians and the legal system to change the world. It seems we’ve forgotten the lessons history can teach us, like recognizing that positive change typically comes from the passions of the heart of humanity, not from its political systems.* One who exemplified this best was Jesus Christ himself. Have we forgotten the model he showed us? It was one of compassionate purpose focused on the Kingdom of God, a spiritual dynamic, not a world system. Every believer should recall how Jesus acted while on Earth. He showed us a better way—a connection to our heavenly Father.
A friend of mine, Sally Fam, originally from Egypt, has seen first-hand what happens in a culture that rejects connection to Christ. She currently lives in Canada, a very secularized culture, and is pursuing her Master’s in Apologetics from Biola University to help show people a better way. A post she wrote recently speaks beautifully with regards to creating lasting change in culture:
“True and lasting cultural reformation does not happen through legal reformation. The order here is reversed. To save the legal system from corruption that legalizes moral decay, we need to reform the culture first. But, how? If our culture is left to blindly believe that morality, purpose, meaning, human value and destiny are all subjective, cannot be objectively known and are only informed by our equally valid yet conflicting traditions, we lose any common ground to seek the truth and knowledge about these critical matters through an edifying search for these answers.
Knowledge and truth must be sought not enforced. We must create in our culture a curiosity that seeks to know and understand the secret of the Christian hope. We must aim at the heart, our heart, so that we can live a life that showcases the reality of the transformed life that is reflective of Jesus.
We must also aim at the mind, our minds, so that we can demonstrate that spiritual knowledge is real and accessible. This will ignite curiosity and blow away the layers of apathy, stereotyping, and indifference. Law, social and moral codes alone do not create curious inquirers but angry rebels and hollow followers of the Christian faith.”
~ Apologist, Sally Fam
understand the secret of the Christian hope Share on XMany don’t understand this “secret of the Christian hope,” as Sally so poignantly said. This hope does not seek a politician as the savior. This hope does not seek a world system to create Utopia. The true secret of our hope lies in God’s love. The love of God must be realized to find true joy. This joy can then transform culture. This is what humans were created for and it is the secret of the Christian hope. It’s this secret believers need to share to see transformative change. Let the secret out!
*Note: in no way am I advocating that Christians not engage in our culture through being an active voice in the political or legal system, by voting, or even running for office, if that is what God calls you to do. This post is merely to recognize that the root of the cultural problem stems from the human heart. When one’s heart is changed by Jesus’ love, then the world becomes a better place, one heart at a time.
Sally gave me permission to repost her statements here.
Good for all of us to remember. Jesus should be the focus for everything
Thanks, Lisa! Three people influenced my thoughts to always look at the ” heart” of the issue: Our professor Clay Jones and his exposition on the sinfulness of man, Dallas Willard in Knowing Christ Today and Francis A. Schaffer in The God Who is There. Under the many layers of cultural differences, languages, backgrounds, political and legal systems, one theme persists: a depraved heart desperate for hope, purpose, and meaning. Only One satisfies and restores such heart.
Hi Sally! Thanks for your comments, and, of course, your willingness to let me post your thoughts on my blog. Those who have influenced your views are great Christian thinkers. Someday, I think you will be among those names. The Lord wants to use you in this field to expand our understanding of this theme, with a little bit of a feminine flair! God bless you, Lisa Q
“To save the legal system from corruption that legalizes moral decay, we need to reform the culture first.” As you say, we need knowledge and truth to do that. And a corrupt society suppresses them. That is why we shine light. And the darkness will not overcome the light.
Great post, Lisa. God bless!
Loved the full quote by Sally. And especially this, “Knowledge and truth must be sought not enforced.” So true. Thanks for sharing!
I agree with this insight! Not only individually do we need to transform culture by seeking and living out God’s love, but from the pulpit as well. I’m seeing in some churches minimize the current culture we live in by not addressing sin biblically. It’s almost as if their new definition of ‘love’ has turned into this passive acceptance. I think truth can be communicated in love, but that doesn’t always mean truth will hit us comfortably. Secondly, I agree with Sally Fam, why would we save a legal system that legalizes moral decay? Jesus’ love is firm, strong, and grace-filled; it is the only thing that can change the immoral heart. Great read!
Thanks, Marcie! Yes, I have heard of some churches trying too hard to “fit in” and be accepted by the cultural trends at the expense of the truth. You are so right in recognizing that truth can be said with love; after all, healthy love always has boundaries. Bless you!
I agree with you 100%. Only the reformation of our hearts through the work of Christ can transform our culture, one new believer living for the Lord at a time. That includes the good works we do as we live our lives out as Christians, and the Christian thoughts and convictions that guide those actions and our lives. This, not a political body, changes our culture.
I loved this part: “Many don’t understand this ‘secret of the Christian hope,’ as Sally so poignantly said. This hope does not seek a politician as the savior. This hope does not seek a world system to create Utopia. The true secret of our hope lies in God’s love.”
Hi Melinda! Thank you for your thoughtful comment. As a Christian Apologist, many conversations tend to focus on ‘why Christianity is true’ versus the love of God. First, a skeptic needs to know the reasons for placing their faith in Christ before they can ever experience the love of God. But after all these conversations on defending the truth of the faith, I have to go back to the basics—it is a good reminder for me to focus on the love of God. Blessings!
It’s a JOY sighting! “The love of God must be realized to find true joy. This joy can then transform culture.” What a wonderful statement. Thank you, Lisa, for this article. JOY! JOY! Let it out!
Hi Robin! Thanks for your comment. And yes, let’s transform this culture to be more JOYOUS! Amen. Blessings, Lisa Q