You’re wonderfully made for a love relationship with the Creator
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians2:10 (NLT)
On Valentine’s Day, we often celebrate the romantic relationship of love between a man and a woman. For many of us, however, this day doesn’t bring romance; instead, it brings pain. Pain in the past from failed relationships or pain in the present from a bad relationship or no relationship. But we must remember that love is first given to us by God, and this divine relationship is always present. God is with us.

God first loved us (1 John 4:19), and He wants us to love Him back. That’s the first commandment (Matt. 22:37). We’re to be in a love relationship with our Creator, who designed us for this very purpose.
Do you ever wonder why God made us? He certainly didn’t “need to” make human beings because He’s already content in His own triune relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, considering the grief humanity has caused Him, why would He bother with us?
Here’s my thought…
I think since God IS Love (1 John 4:8), He created us because Love is giving, Love creates beauty, and Love wants to share! God wants to share Himself with you, His beautiful masterpiece. A masterpiece is the finest and best work. You are God’s finest and best work of art!
“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it.”
Psalm 139:14
You may think you’re not so great, but you’d be wrong! Don’t compare yourself to others; try this instead — think of how wonderfully made your body is; the intricacies of eyesight alone highlights the miraculous! To this day, scientists have yet to come up with a decent theory of how the eyeball evolved. It is that complex!
However, scientists have managed to map out the human genome. This is the genetic code of your DNA (the rules on how your body functions and looks). Some have called DNA the “instruction book for life.” DNA is evidence that your body is so finely-tuned that it cannot possibly have been an accident. The mathematical probabilities of this precise coding just randomly falling into place to create YOU are so astronomical, that even evolutionists acknowledge a huge gap in the understanding of how this originated. Saying that human DNA is the product of natural, unguided processes is like saying that a book could fall together, create itself with all the binding, pages, type, and story-telling to fit perfectly together in the latest best-selling novel. Sorry, a book doesn’t create itself—it needs an Author.
All this to say is that YOU are no random accident! You were created as the ‘crowning achievement’ of God’s design. Now that’s some love story.
Think Divinely: You are God’s masterpiece!
This Valentine’s Day celebrate the love relationship between
the Author and His artwork — you!

What a timely and well written reminder of the deepest love we will ever know! Thank you for this clearly explained and inspiring post about the One who made us and loves us like no other. Why does He love us? Because He is Love, of course!
Thanks, Melissa. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Great perspective to pass on to all of us. Thanks
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Valentines Day, Beth!
What a pertinent post for today! Great post!
Thanks, Julie. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Happy Valentine’s Day! What an encouraging thought: to remember that we’re all God’s crowning achievement. Beautifully said. I was reading in Genesis recently, and a commentary pointed out that God could have spoken us into existence: but instead He chose to form us – just like a potter – like an artist. Thank you for reminding us of the truest Valentine and His everlasting love.
Hi Peggy! Wow – what a cool commentary on Genesis. I like that God “formed” us, and it make sense given the whole analogy to the Potter & the Clay (Is. 64:8). Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too! Thanks for your comment. Bless you, Lisa Q
The Greatest Love of All for sure, Great Post Thanks!
Jesus offers us the standard for perfect love. Good job and thanks for sharing.