Being Present in the NOW: Cultivating Holy Moments

Simple, quiet times set apart for God are truly Holy moments. You don’t need to be sitting in the Crystal Cathedral, or watching an illuminated sunset full of colors (although those can be Holy moments) to find God in the present moment. Every day you can find ‘the Holy’ in routine, in your home, your car, the kitchen, or your dinner table. It’s simply the time you spend in reflection, thinking thoughts of the divine, dwelling on the goodness of God: His majesty, His power, His wisdom, His faithfulness. As your mind rests there, let the worries of the world dissolve. The Holy moment is in the NOW. Share on X

To cultivate the Holy in your life, you must remember that God is Emmanuel—God with us—right now. Yesterday’s troubles are past; tomorrow’s concerns are yet to be. God is here, now, with you in this moment.

Too many of us mentality live in yesterday or tomorrow. To find God, you must dwell on the immediate. Let your heart rest here… God is with you right now. That is where you find Him, and that is where your peace is cultivated.

For just like a garden, you must cultivate the present moment by working the soil on your thought life, where all things begin to grow. Plants seeds of contemplation, introspection, and solitude. To go deeper with God, however, and to find Him in the midst of your “now,” you must be alone with Him. This is when you can release your fears, disappointments, or shame, at His feet in a pool of prayer, as you wipe the dirt of this world off your Savior’s feet with your tears. The dirt of this world can be wrong thinking about who God is and who you are in Him. Remember, you are His child, and He loves you, and He enjoys your devotion. HE ENJOYS YOU! Just being with God in the Spirit, in this moment, is what washes away the worries of the world that tug at you, distracting you from the Holy moment.

God is omnipresent – ever present – and you need to simply stop the rush, and focus your thoughts on this truth: Emmanuel, God with you, right now, in this very breath, this thought, this ever-present presence. It is a Holy moment, set apart from the world, to recognize your Creator, the One who designed you, loves you, and wants to live forever with you as part of His Holy family in an everlasting Holy moment. This is what you must do: set apart a moment in your day to find God in your “now” … He is here… in the present… with you.



(I wrote this in a “Now” moment of my own, as I felt impressed by God to remind all of you that life can get too busy, and that we need to slow down, be in the moment, unplug, and rest in God.)




  1. Beka November 8, 2017
    • LisaQAuthor November 9, 2017
  2. Melissa November 8, 2017
    • LisaQAuthor November 9, 2017
  3. Mike Mayfield November 9, 2017
    • LisaQAuthor November 9, 2017
  4. Christy November 9, 2017
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  5. Edna Davidsen November 9, 2017
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  6. Mario Quintana November 9, 2017
    • LisaQAuthor November 10, 2017
  7. Rachel November 9, 2017
    • LisaQAuthor November 10, 2017
  8. Nancy E. Head November 13, 2017