God’s existence is one of the most important questions human beings must answer — does God really exist? For a logical answer to this pertinent question, I like the Cosmological Argument. It goes like this:
1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause.[1]
2. The Universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the Universe has a Cause.
Prior to Einstein and the discovery of a galactic redshift under Edwin Hubble (which the Hubble Telescope is named after), scientists used to think that the universe was eternal. They called this the “Steady State Theory.”
But because of recent scientific discoveries, like Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, which is about the geometry of space-time, one consequence of this theory is that it was possible for the universe to be expanding. Einstein’s equations could be seen as opening up the possibility that the universe was not steady after all. Since this discovery, the Big Bang model is now overwhelmingly supported by scientists. Einstein’s theory also demonstrates philosophically that time is linked, or related, to matter and space. Time itself cannot exist in the absence of matter and space. So, the dimensions of time, space, and matter constitute what we would call a continuum. They must come into being at precisely the same instant.
Telescopic power also showed that the universe is expanding – providing us with physical pictures that the universe must have begun a finite time ago. An expansion requires a push, and in this case, a really BIG push.
And because of the discovery of the 2ndlaw of thermodynamics, this shows that the amount of usable energy in the universe decreases over time. Had the universe been eternal, there would be no usable energy at this present moment. Since there is usable energy, the universe can’t be eternal.
All of these things add up to the inference that the universe had a beginning.
Given what came into existence at the Big Bang (matter, space and time), whatever caused it to happen must exist outside of time, space and matter. When you think of what could be space-less, timeless and immaterial, what first comes to mind? I mean, what has the best explanatory power[2]for this first cause – mind or matter?
The evidence surely points to an intelligent mind. That’s common sense. Yet for those who dislike the obvious conclusion to this argument, they will come up with other possibilities for that first cause. I had a university student, a professed atheist, once ask me why this first-cause couldn’t be, say… a huge flying rock (picture the stone rectangle in the sci-fi classic 2,001: A Space Odyssey)!

To that, I responded, “What makes best sense – that Mind created Matter, or that Matter created Mind?” I mean, a rock can’t create squat. Creating takes intention. How does matter have intentional thought to make something? It doesn’t. It just is. You can believe that matter somehow got smart or you can base your decision on the knowledge[3]that intelligence (mind) trumps a rock (matter).
Others love to cite the Multi-Verse theory: that we’re not a “uni” (one) verse, but we are one of a ‘string’ of other universes. Or due to how quantum physics is interpreted, some expect a variety of mixed parameters for basic physical factors to show up in endless combinations. So, our universe just got the right amount of ‘dice-rolling’ perfectly to begin the conditions necessary for life on Earth.
Yet, there is no hard evidence to prove this theory. Even if scientists eventually can prove that it’s plausible for other universes to exist, some sort of overarching-multiverse mechanism would be required to regularly spit out new universes, and such a mechanism would need to be fine tuned to create universes with constants, energy, matter, etc. This mechanism would still require the necessity of a first cause. We’d still need a Prime Mover[4]for all those universes! I personally don’t believe that theory, but I do think it makes for great plots in sci-fi movies.

Nonetheless, this argument still doesn’t show why the Christian religion, in particular, is the true one. The Cosmological Argument merely shows that ‘God’ is the best possible answer for why anything exists at all. Once you get that settled in the skeptic’s mind, then you can ask them to look at the reality around us and show what religion has the best solution for the way we live? Let’s be frank—most of us are messed up. We’re selfish, sometimes entitled, major pleasure-seekers; which drives some of us to lie, steal and even murder. As a species, we can’t seem to get it right. Why? The Christian religion has the answer — it’s called sin.
Sin is not a popular subject in today’s self-centered culture. People who reject the Christian faith by living outside its traditional cultural boundaries, have done a decent job convincing others that their actions aren’t wrong. It’s a cunning way to justify one’s own “personal right” by cultivating the idea that everyone is right. No one is a sinner! We’re all good, and deserve our own personal happiness—to create our own truth.
Here’s what is blatantly wrong with that idea. Truth is exclusive. You can attempt to create your own truth, but if it doesn’t line up with reality, it is simply not true. Sorry. What you believe must line up with reality.
Here’s reality in the Christian worldview: because God made human beings in His image, we have free will. This means we can choose to believe in God or not. For those who struggle with whether we can even know this intelligent “First Cause,” God had a plan for that. He sent Jesus to earth as the “God-man,” not only to provide the bridge back into relationship with the Holy Father (by taking the penalty of sin on Himself as a sacrifice for all humanity), but to show us who God is: His character, His love and His plans for us.
Was Jesus Christ God incarnate? Well, of all the religious leaders through history, only one rose from the dead and showed Himself in a new, resurrected body, creating one new man from two (Eph. 2:15); not only reconciling the flesh and the spirit, but the Jew and the Gentile (non-Jewish people), resulting in peace. Jesus’ resurrection wasn’t just proof of eternal life, it was also to show that the flesh (body) and spirit will attain peace, restoring what was previously at war with each other. Jesus, in His resurrected body, gives us the hope that someday, when we too inherit a resurrected body, that we’ll no longer struggle between our fleshly desires (that sinful nature) and our spiritual ones. Our flesh and spirit will be fully redeemed.
How do we know this really happened? There is ample evidence on this historical event of the resurrection. We can trust this happened in history. And because of that, we can trust the promises Jesus’ resurrection holds.
So, if you’re a non-believer, who would you rather believe, a dead Buddha (as an example of one religious leader) or a Resurrected Christ?
As a Christian, your answer is solid. You can have confidence that what you believe is not based on what critics call “blind faith,” as there is plenty of convincing proofs that not only God exists, but that He came to reveal Himself to humanity in the person of Jesus Christ – no “argument” about it.
[1]Note: this argument states: “begins” to exist. This is different from the understanding of God, which is a natural conclusion some jump to by asking, “Then who created God?” God, by definition, is uncreated.
[2]Explanatory power is the ability of a hypothesis or theory to effectively explain the subject matter it pertains to.
[3]Knowledge is properly justified true belief. Truth can be known adequately (or enough) to be satisfied and certain that you have arrived at a reasonable conclusion.
[4]The self-moved being that is the source of all motion
Lisa, this is a power-packed post! Wow. Thank you for taking the time to lay out all of these arguments for and against the existence of God and the truth of Christianity. So many of these false notions are accepted in our society without any real thought or reason being put into it. And it is critical that as believers in Jesus we can think through and discuss these questions with non-believers. Your work in the area of apologetics is helping me, so that I can help others. May Jesus shine brighter through all we say and do! Well done!
Thank you, Melissa, for your thoughtful comments. And yeah… I wanted to ‘wallop’ the plausibility of God’s existence in this post. Like you mention, so many false notions are accepted in our culture without any real thought put into them. These false notions are causing some to live fragmented lives, with no solid ground to stand on because their lives are not tethered to the Truth.
As a former atheist, the cosmological argument was just one piece but it was an important one. The one that intrigued me the most was the watchmaker theory; i wanted to get to know the one who designed the human eye and the giraffe. Most of all, Christians loved on me and showed me patience and grace. Thanks for sharing! Please check out my blog; did one on the Earth’s age you might appreciate.
As a Christian apologist, it blesses my heart to know that some of these apologetic arguments were used by God to help you come to the Faith.
I love the graphic because He is the master of the universe. Why can so many people follow superheroes but not believe in God? He is the ultimate super hero
Those who reject the obvious argument for God’s existance do so because they want to, not because they accept logical reasoning. Well argued, Lisa. God bless!
Thanks, Nancy. You are very keen in your observation that those who reject logical conclusions to the obvious, really don’t want it to be true. My professors at Biola University have often told us to ask this simple question to a skeptic: “If Christianity were true, would you believe it?” And sadly, many would say no, even with good reasons for saying yes.
In the beginning the earth was without shape and void and the Spirit hovered over his work before he began. Into that darkness God began to act in such a way that he could create a universe and within it a solar system that would house the earth where he would place his Son. He provoked that Bang, either before the actions of the Genesis account, or as represented there in its first words, in order to provide the building blocks for him to create this universe and our solar system within in. This surely took time, but there was no way to mark it or to measure it yet.
As you said, time cannot outside of matter. The Biblical record confirms this, because a “day” wasn’t marked out until we had a sun with a planet rotating on its axis as it circled that sun – 365 days is the length of a revolution, one year, and one rotation is approximately 24 hours, which we call a day. Without the matter doing that, we have no way to mark time, we merely have space.
Matter is simply matter. A rock is a rock, as you said. Neither of these act. But a mind, a Superior Being whose mind is unfathomable, now HE can imagine a universe and take all the actions to make it exist and to make it sustainable for as long as he knows it will need to be functional. Thank you for spelling out this Cosmological Argument so clearly, all while using humor and a Doctor Strange poster.
Well said! Thank you for so poetically writing of the beginning of what we know as the universe. Our God is very creative, isn’t He? Yeah.
Oh, Lisa, this is so good. I always love your research, scientific and biblical, and your common sense approach to the spiritual. While your entire line of thought here is riveting, 2 things stand out:
1. Whatever caused time, space and matter to come into existence, had to exist outside time, space and matter. An intelligent mind. That’s such a common sense point, it’s hard to believe anyone could argue a case against it.
2. “Truth is exclusive. You can attempt to create your own truth, but if it doesn’t line up with reality, it is simply not true. Sorry. What you believe must line up with reality.” One of the best definitions on truth I’ve every heard!
I’m not only sharing this article, I’m also saving it for those moments this is all brought into question.
Thank you, Karen. Yeah, it seems pretty obvious to you and me because we love our Creator, but for those who don’t like the idea of God, or perhaps see any explanation as a “God-of-the-gaps” answer (filling in the reason for anything to exist as God), there will always be some contention against it.
I love remembering that we don’t have to fight against science in order to prove God. God created science, and therefore it doesn’t contradict Him! I also love that you tied all this in to sin – until we understand this nature of ours, we’ll never understand why we truly need a God to rule over all things, One who is Truth.
Thanks, Emily!
This says it all — so good, Lisa! “How do we know this really happened? There is ample evidence on this historical event of the resurrection. We can trust this happened in history. And because of that, we can trust the promises Jesus’ resurrection holds.” Amen, amen.
Thanks, Jessica!
I have repeatedly asserted that the biggest weakness in the evidence for the alleged resurrection of Jesus is the fact that most historians and scholars doubt the eyewitness/associate of eyewitness authorship of the books that tell this tale. For all we know, these stories are the theological or literary
inventions of their non-eyewitness authors. But what if these four authors did profess to be eyewitnesses to multiple back-from-the-dead Jesus sightings? Should we believe them?
From what I have studied, I would have to disagree with you. There are some basic facts of the Resurrection that most historians actually DO agree on. I wrote a blog on four facts of the historical event that “credible” scholars attest to: https://thinkdivinely.com/cliffsnotes-apologetics-1-a-bare-bones-defense-of-the-resurrection/