“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:4
The work of the devil, the “god of this age,” is to deceive people so that they can’t see the truth. It seems like Satan is winning that war today with many buying into the lie that moral truth isn’t objective; that people create their own reality. How, then, should Christians define truth for seekers?
What if someone, for example, says to you that Christmas is just another holiday full of stories like Santa Claus? Do you have a good, reasonable response to that? It is important to have good answers, because people today are skeptical about everything. First pray and then tell them why Jesus is not just another “myth.”
Years ago, when my skeptical Dad was still alive, he used to mock me, claiming that what I believed in was just like believing in Santa Claus. Back then, I didn’t have good, reasoned arguments to correct his thinking. I just had my experiences with God and those weren’t enough to convince him otherwise.

Today, I have studied the subject in depth and because of it, if my Dad were alive today, I would tell him why my belief isn’t compatible to believing in myths.
For one thing, Jesus was an historical figure who people wrote about in ancient documents outside of the New Testament, and also within it. I can’t tell you how many people seem to think that the eyewitness accounts in the New Testament should not be counted as “evidence” for Jesus just because these documents are included in the Bible. Here’s the thing — these accounts of what the disciples heard and saw Jesus do were written in separate, eye-witness accounts. It’s just like testimonies we’d hear in court today of those claiming to see a particular event or attest to someone’s character.
The gospels were written before 120 A.D., and about 115 A.D., Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, refers to ‘the Gospel’ as an authoritative writing. Later, the Gospels were gathered into one volume and then Canonized (read more about how the Bible is reliable here.)
These testimonies are reliable! We believe that Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us,” because of what these accounts tell. He was born, just like the rest of us, as a human being. He grew up like most kids, learning to walk, talk and grow in wisdom. He can relate to us in every way. But, because of His sinless life, He became the Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice without blemish, as practiced in the Old Testament Passover. No more sacrifices needed, thanks to Jesus!
Christ became the last sin offering for all of time. This gift doesn’t expire like Saint Nicolas’ gifts do! Jesus gives the gift of eternal life just because of faith. No one can earn it, and for good reason—so that no man can boast that he is any better than anyone else (Eph. 2:9).

Think Divinely: Christmas is a great time to share the truths of Christ to a skeptical world. Pray that their eyes would be opened.
There’s so much for solid evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than for any other historical personage from antiquity. Thank you for sharing these realities.
You’re right, Melinda, in that there is ample evidence of the historical person of Jesus Christ. However, most skeptics question the stories told about him because they don’t believe in miracles. We have a lot of work to do yet, my friend! Thanks for your comments and Merry Christmas!
Great wisdom in your words Lisa. My dad used to say that one of Satan’s success was convincing the world he does not exist. Without evil, then many don’t think they have a need for God. We have to always be ready to share the truth of God and His existence to help unbelievers. Thanks
Thank you for your comments. Merry Christmas!
Amen. The gift of salvation is for everyone. We are offered the gift and our decision is to accept or deny. I pray we all accept His gift.
It certainly is so important to be able to give a reason for the hope that we have! I love that you give help to those who want to know more about how the Bible is a reliable historical source. Those pieces of evidence are really important, especially to people who think more in terms of reason and evidence as opposed to emotional experiences.
Thanks, Emily! after 30+ years of walking with the Lord, I realize there are different ways that people connect to God. Some love the emotional connection; some are not emotional but connect to God intellectually. It’s important to understand both ways, I think. God asks us to love him with all our heart, soul and mind. Blessings to you!
Lisa, I am so grateful for your continued ministry in helping explain the many solid reasons we have to be a Christian. This post is no exception. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to explain our faith to the cynical world around us. Christmas is the perfect time to separate truth from myth. Thank you for believing in Christ and for sharing the obstacles you have personally faced, even in your own family. It’s not easy to be a follower of Jesus, but it’s all worth it.
Thank you, Melissa. Yeah, my Dad was a challenge, and I still have challenging family members who think I believe in a fairy tale. It’s hard but like you said, it’s worth it. Blessings to you!