Heaven appears to have a veil over it, as if to conceal the glories from our mortal, earthly experience. Perhaps what awaits us is so breathtakingly beautiful that God purposefully gives us little information about it because if we knew how amazing it will be, we’d all want to go there before our time! There is a cry in the human heart for a kind of utopian existence, that perfect place where all the wrongs will be corrected, and peace will flow like a gentle stream.
We catch sight of a bit of paradise on earth when we fall in love, see a remarkable sunset, or hear the cry of our newborn baby. But often what we see and experience on earth is far from such pleasures. There are heartaches, violence, senseless loss of loved ones, pollution, destruction and wars. Humanity’s history is clouded with stories of travesty against mankind, creation and God Himself. We struggle against systems that seem to never quite work properly, no matter how many laws we create or politicians we elect. We wonder why… Why do bad things happen? Why couldn’t God have created heaven on earth?
The Bible speaks of a time when God will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Is. 43:19). This gives us hope now, when life on earth feels like a slog through the mud. But there is a time coming when God will make all things new. (Rev. 21:5.)
So, it is God’s plan to bring heaven to earth, eventually. In the meantime, God is redeeming the human soul from the corruption of sin and then plans to restore all things.
Today we live in the ‘Day of Salvation’, a time of grace and mercy; where people can freely choose to follow Christ or to reject Him. For those who chose to believe, God is working through history to bring us to the promised land. He’s doing all of this providentially while allowing humanity free will. That’s an amazing thing that only God can do! How He does it is one of those mysteries that many try to figure out by claiming Calvin is right, or Arminian, or Molin, or whoever. No matter which theory one ascribes to, I think how God’s will works within the free will of humanity still alludes us.
Until all things are restored back to a paradise or utopian existence, those who die in Christ have their souls enter heaven. Our bodies will die perishable but be raised imperishable, taking on, at first, a spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:42-44) before we get our new, resurrected one.
What, then, can we expect when we enter those pearly gates? I can’t tell you how many people think that we’ll be bored because they envision heaven to be one long, boring church service, where we float on clouds singing hymns. But that’s not a Biblical view of heaven at all!
Our perspective is very temporal because we think we can’t know much about heaven from verses in 1 Cor. 2:9, that say: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” But there are plenty of other scriptures that give us a glimpse of what we might anticipate in heaven.
“Now, the poor man died and was carried away by angels to Abraham’s bosom…”
Luke 16:22
When you die, you can expect the angels will usher you into heaven! We will then pass into what some have called an “intermediate heaven.” Between Genesis 3, and Revelation 20, we can infer from Scripture that we immediately go into the presence of God in heaven, a temporary place, where we await the final return of Christ to earth.
Romans says Christians are co-heirs with Christ (8:17). This means we will inherit things, and these things need to be cared for; thus, we will have jobs. Some of us will judge angels! (1 Cor. 6:3.)
But when we arrive, will all knowledge of everything automatically download to us? I don’t think so. I like to believe that we’ll never know everything in heaven, but will continue to learn, which will help keep mystery alive making eternal existence exciting!
This is how God created us: He knows that life is more enjoyable when there are things yet to discover, adventures yet to embark on, and knowledge still to acquire. This is why living forever with God won’t ever get boring! We will be fully known (1 Cor. 13:12), but the Bible isn’t clear on whether or not we will have all knowledge of everything. I think this verse means our individuals selves will be known fully and loved. (Remember, only God is omniscient.) Thus, I believe we’ll continue to learn, and more importantly, we’ll be captivated in an eternally blissful love relationship with Christ. It will be a love unlike anything we have ever experienced: pure, satisfying and awe-inspiring.
I believe His presence in heaven will continue to inspire us to create things. Whatever you were good at on Earth, the things you loved to do, you’ll still be able to do them in heaven, only unhindered. You will be able to do so much more than you could ever imagine! Picture Earth without sin — that is just a tiny glimpse of the things yet to come.
Heaven is where God’s throne is, but it cannot contain all of God. He is omnipresent by a transcendence which is unfathomable. (1 Kings 8:27)
Scripture describes heaven as a place where:
1. Believing family members are (Heb. 12:22-24)
2. Our Father is (Matt.6:1)
3. Jesus is at His right hand (Heb. 1:3)
4. Our names are recorded (Luke 10:20)
5. We have an inheritance (1 Pet. 1:4)
6. Our citizenship is (Phil. 3:20)
7. We’ll also eat from the Tree of Life (Rev. 2:7).
We can’t know anything about heaven, eh? I think I’ve shown there is a LOT we can know and we can be looking forward to it; heaven is amazing!
Thanks for an encouraging article. When we suffer an injury to our body, our entire body suffers. Yet our relationships with one another are filled with hurt and brokenness. When Christ brings complete restoration in the heavenly kingdom, how extraordinary life will be!
Yes, God will restore all things!
Very well written, thank you, Lisa.
Thank you, Carrie, for stopping by and taking the time to read my stuff. I really appreciate that!
Very good Lisa! Reminds me of Augustine, who thought that the happiness we experience this side of the grave is little more than the abatement of suffering; thus we haven’t actually experienced true happiness yet!
Hi Brent! Thanks for stopping by. I love Augustine’s writings. Yes, heaven is our ‘real’ home. It’s going to be beyond words! Blessings to you.
Lisa, what a joy to imagine heaven! You are right, we don’t know everything, but scripture reveals enough that we know heaven will be wonderful! Thank you for helping us think through the misconceptions and grasp onto the promises of unfading inheritance!
Thanks, Melissa! Another really cool thing is that we will all be able to hang out together! No more just “online” friendships, but we will be able to travel to each other’s house (whatever that will look like), and enjoy face-to-face fellowship… with God at the center of it all. Bless you!
Lisa, we’ve completed several studies on heaven in life group at church.One was by Randy Alcorn and it was really amazing. I like your insight here, especially that the mystery of heaven will continue to be discovered once we are there. And how we will continue to create and do things like on earth and have a purpose. So these are such powerful thoughts:”This is how God created us: He knows that life is more enjoyable when there are things yet to discover, adventures yet to embark on, and knowledge still to acquire. This is why living forever with God won’t ever get boring! ” Amen!
I loved Randy Alcorn’s book on heaven. It’s one of the first I read on the subject! I also heard someone succinctly define our heavenly experience like this: “Picture Earth without sin but even better!” Hallelujah – it’s going to be ahhh-maze-ing!
How exciting it is to think about heaven! I agree with you that I believe God doesn’t want us to know exactly what heaven will be like because we’ll all lose our focus here on earth, wishing we were already there! I love that you pointed out how we might not know everything when we get to heaven because God will still desire us to seek Him and truth daily. I’ve never thought of that perspective, but I like it! Thanks for shedding light on this beautiful topic. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Emily!
Superb explanation of some of the things we can know about heaven while we’re still on this side of the divide. I think you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head. This is entirely how I envision heaven, and I’ve dug into God’s Word verse by verse for about thirty years, specifically paying attention to details about heaven and The Day when Christ returns to usher in the new heaven and the new earth. You painted such a beautiful picture here that you made me cry. I look forward to doing all the things I love to do again, to completing the work I love. All the things my body won’t let me do anymore, I’ll be able to do. All my beloved family who have gone before, I will see. And I’m so glad I’ll get to keep writing stories of God’s love. I look forward to our wonderful future living in God’s presence!
Thanks, Melinda. You are always so kind in your comments to me! I know you’ve been struggling this year with health issues, and I hope the thoughts and contemplations of your heavenly home bring you much needed comfort. You are a dear lover of the Lord and I know He sees you in your pain, and I pray His presence heals. Bless your heart!
When life is difficult, it helps me to stop to ponder how incredible heaven will be for us. And yet, we have no idea of how beautiful it will be. I think the best part will be to sit at Jesus’ feet and see Him smile down at me.
Absolutely. I can’t even imagine what it will be like seeing Jesus’ face, and finally being able to know what He really looks like! That will be worth all the angst we experience this side of heaven, to be sure. Thanks Yvonne!
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