One Reason Why Some Can’t See Evidence for God
by Sally Fam, contributing writer
Christmas is a special time of the year. The music, the lights, the life, the colors, its buzz of activity all suddenly shine in the middle of a dark winter. As I was driving by one night, my eyes were just dazzled by that beauty. Then, when I got home, far away from all the lights and the glimmer of the city, as I closed the door, I saw it—Venus shining brightly, alone in the night sky.
I hadn’t missed it.
A long time ago, others were looking attentively at the sky. These were considered the brightest men. They were the king’s counselors, the top consultants in a kingdom, like the “Harvard graduates” of their day (see Daniel 1:20 for a description of the Magi). They were not desperate; they did not need a crutch, as some scoffers sometime describe those who believe in God. They were busy and successful men. But they had to pause and understand what that new star signified.

Perhaps, they had scrolls of old prophecies buried in their libraries that they had to blow some dust away to search for an answer. Perhaps, they were familiar with Old Testament passages pointing to the Star and the Scepter rising from Jacob. Perhaps, they were familiar with Daniel’s prophecies (Daniel 9). One thing for sure is that they looked for the signs and followed the evidence wherever it led them. They saw a star and concluded that a great king was born.
Now, that is not a blind leap of faith. Who in their right mind decides to travel following a random celestial phenomenon unless they knew what that phenomenon meant? They acted according to their knowledge, not just by following a star wherever it took them, but by also preparing themselves to meet the king. They took their conclusions quite seriously and acted on them.
A skeptic doesn’t care about the Magi. Some even think that Jesus never existed. But it is of vital importance to us all that we know why we believe what we believe. Have you investigated the evidence? Many times, our busy lives don’t allow us to examine our beliefs. We’re rushing around from one event to another and are simply are too busy for theoretical questions. Anyway, if you think what you believe “works,” why bother stirring up the pot? But please don’t allow convenience, stress, or any other circumstances, to blur the way that guides you to the truth, the real King!
Practical Application
Maybe you’re a believer and you’re not sure what to make of the Magi story. “How is this story relevant to me today?” you may wonder. Like all of God’s Word, there are practical applications that can be applied to our lives today.
First, the magi acted on their belief that the star was a sign because they knew it to be true. Do we live a life that reflects what we believe?
Second, to act upon a belief, we need to know that it is true. If I profess the belief that the Bible is the Word of God, do I know why it so? We could know that by experience, by investigating the evidence, or both. Otherwise, we block the power of our testimony to nonbelievers when we don’t know why God’s Word is verifiable and a credible source of truth.
One Reason Why Some Can’t See Evidence for God
For all of us, God sees our hearts. He knows who wants to find Him; He will give us clues along the way. The Magi initially ended up in the wrong place, at Herod’s palace. They asked for the King and were guided to Him by those who turned out to be the King’s enemies. God certainly is creative in reaching out to us and guiding us through, sometimes, very unlikely ways.
If you seek Him with all your heart, and mind, then…
you will see what I see,
a child yet a king,
swaddled helplessly.
A baby who will bring
salvation and liberty.
I would point out also, alongside this great article, that many people cannot see the proof of God because the god of this world has blinded their eyes. Thankfully, greater is He who can cause those scales to fall off. Excellent blog!
Hi Jessica! Thanks for the comment. You’re right to point out that there is a deceiving spirit out there, to be sure. We need to pray for those people under this deception that the blinders on their eyes would fall off. Amen!
I do love the way the Lord speaks to each one of us in a way we will understand. He is the Great Communicator! Thanks
Thanks for stopping by!
I have been spending time in John 1 and I am still astounded that the Glory of God comes, His Light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not comprehend it. Thank you for expounding on this truth. May we have eyes to see Him.
Thanks for the comment! Blessings
I agree – “it is of vital importance to us all that we know why we believe what we believe.” Faith involves our head and our hearts… all aspects of what makes us tick. Thank you!
Thanks for your comment!
Beautiful article! If we seek Him, we will find Him. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you, too! Thanks for stopping by…
I think “seeing” God is like many other things in life…once you decide to look for it, you see it everywhere. If you decide to look for the positive, you find positive. If you decide to look for negative, you find negative. If you decide to look for miracles, you find them everywhere. The first step is to decide to look…
Hi Jamie,
You bring up a good point—once you make the choice to see God, you see Him everywhere. So true. Merry Christmas to you!
Dear Lisa!
First, Merry Christmas to both of you and your families 🙂
Sally, I enjoyed reading your contribution here on the blog.
Yes, sure, Christmas is a special time of the year. This was a reminder for me that God sees our hearts regardless of what we think of Him.
Edna Davidsen
Hey Edna! Thanks for your comment. Merry Christmas to you, too! Bless you, Lisa Q
Thank you for the reminder in the midst of all the crush and busyness to come back to the quiet truths, the evidence that supports our belief, the God who draws our heart, and the layer upon layer of fact that detail these events: Jesus’ life, his death, and his resurrection. We have a faith founded on Truth. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And in this well supported faith, we have a God who seeks our hearts and who meets us in the quiet tender moments – even moments as simple as finding Venus in the night sky. Thank you, Sally Fam by way of Lisa Quintana. God bless you both!
Thanks, Melinda! Merry CHRISTmas to you & your family.
Hey Lisa – great post. So easy to forget the Magi were acting on knowledge, on years of study and believed they would see the King – hence the gifts. Thank you for the reminder.
The tough question you pose though – Do we live a life that reflects what we believe? Now there is something to meditate on. Do I? In some aspects yes, I believe I do. In all aspects? No…
What would change if more of the way I live my life, or all of my ways, reflected what I believe? Hmmm. No you have me thinking – God Bless Bob
Hi Bob!
Thanks for your comments. This post is written by my friend and fellow writing contributor, Sally Fam. She has a great heart for apologetics and a great mind for thinking about the deeper issues that affect all of our lives.
One thing to remember, though, is that grace is the blessing God gives us today. We live in the ‘day of salvation’, under grace until His final judgment. So all this to say is that you’re trying to be all that God has called you to be, and if you can’t always reach that mark, there is grace for that.
Merry Christmas! Lisa Q