Most Christians today are very busy, struggling just to find quiet time with God, let alone learn how to defend their faith to a skeptical culture. Given the criticism of Christianity today, it’s very important that all who follow the teachings of Christ learn the evidences of their faith. The historical event of the Resurrection is the best place to start when defending your faith objectively—it’s unique to Christianity.
For busy people, here are four, basic facts* that credible historians (believers as well as non-believing scholars) agree on regarding the resurrection event that are easy to remember to help you defend your faith:
- Jesus was crucified and buried in tomb owned by a Jew named Joseph from Arimathea (a city of Judea). This is an important fact because the location of Jesus’ tomb was well known, thus easily verifiable.
- The body was in fact missing from the tomb. The Jewish leaders tried to blame it on the disciples claiming they stole the body. In addition, the account of the missing body was first proclaimed by some of His women followers. Why is this significant? Because women in that culture were not even allowed to testify in a court as they were considered unreliable witnesses. If this was just legend, do you think the gospel writers would’ve used women as the first eyewitnesses to the empty tomb?
- Some people experienced postmortem appearances of Jesus. Yeah—it’s hard to believe historians validate this one, but it’s a fact. What those apparitions were is something scholars do not agree on, but at least they recognize that the disciples saw something.
- The disciples truly believed Jesus rose from the dead. Jewish belief at that time did not think resurrection would happen prior to the end of the world. For these Jewish followers to reverse that belief shows that it must have been absolutely convincing to them.
These are the four historical facts that the majority of credible scholars would agree on regarding the account of the resurrection.*
What is the best explanation for this event? God raised Jesus from the dead — has the best explanatory power. No, it wasn’t a mass hallucination. It wasn’t a hoax or some mass conspiracy. It wasn’t aliens, either (although some sci-fi fans love that idea). This event happened supernaturally.
Nonetheless, there are some who won’t believe in miracles since they think science is the only way to determine truth. But historical events cannot be measured empirically (using only our five senses); thus, written accounts and archaeological finds help us to determine the validity of history. And to this day, the bones of Jesus have never been found because He is alive – no bones about it.
- Resurrection Scholar, Gary Habermas, is the one who is credited for this historical work.
- Since 1975, more than 1400 scholarly publications on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus have appeared. Over the last five years, Dr. Habermas has tracked these texts, which were written in German, French, and English. Well over 100 subtopics are addressed in the literature, almost all of which Habermas examined in detail. Most of the critical scholars are theologians or New Testament scholars, while a number of philosophers and historians, among other fields, are also included.
There is power in resurrection faith. Amen.
Thanks, Melissa. The point is that this is not a “blind faith,” per say, but faith that what the disciples witnessed and wrote about over 2,000 years ago really happened. So many people think we just have to “have faith” that the Resurrection happened. Yet it’s a faith based in knowledge and evidence that what these disciples saw actually transpired in history. I think that knowledge helps when witnessing to a skeptical culture.
Very interesting and something I can use to help someone understand. Facts help some more than others.
Ya know, kids nowadays don’t believe Christianity is true anymore. They’ve been exposed to all kinds of false ideas on YouTube, and so they think it’s a myth. Some don’t even believe Jesus really existed! It’s imperative that we all learn to defend the facts of our faith, not just share our feelings anymore. Facts help the youth more than our age group.
Excellent teaching once again, Lisa! Thank you for laying out these facts on which we base our faith. So much of what we believe comes down to the resurrection of Christ. He is our solid Rock!
Thanks, Melissa. Our whole faith is in vain if the Resurrection didn’t happen. It’s that important!
“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” 1 Cor. 15:4
I always enjoy (and appreciate) the topics you address but in this case, three of the four facts you present are only substantiated in the Bible. Those who doubt the Bible’s veracity will still say “There is no evidence” of a resurrection. So where then is the proof? Perhaps it can be found in the cultural backstory of that time. If you understand and can explain why the women went to a SEALED tomb with spices on the third day following the crucifixion, then you will have proof of the resurrection of Christ.
Hi Charles! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. When you say three of the four facts are “only substantiated in the Bible,” are you thinking that because there are no extra-Biblical accounts of these particular events that they are then not historical? One thing we must remember when evaluating these claims of the Gospel writers is that when they wrote their eye-witness accounts, they wrote them as just that – their recollection of the events they saw. They did not know, at that time, that their writings would end up in a New Testament. So, just because these accounts are now a part of the overall Bible, it doesn’t make them any less historical.
From what I know of the women going back to the sealed tomb, they did this to finish the job of preparing Jesus’ body for burial. Since sundown happened quickly after Christ’s death on the night before Sabbath, the body was not adequately prepared, in the customary way the Jews did back then, for burial And, of course, the women probably were unaware that the Roman guards were there and had sealed the tomb. Going back to properly prepare Christ’s body for burial was their primary purpose. I am pretty sure they were shocked to find what they did upon arrival at the tomb! What an awesome moment in history these women were honored and privileged to witness!
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