The best way to “Think Divinely” is to spend quiet time with God, one-on-one, with no distractions. When I do this, He changes my mindset, and I am better prepared for the day that lay ahead. This morning, I will share with you my quiet time with God, and how He revealed Himself to me:

Sun shines brightly through my bedroom window. I let the sun hit my face, as I sit on the floor and listen to worship music on my mp3 player. I have headphones on as I sing out loud to the songs with all my heart, not caring that my voice will carry. My family won’t care – they know I love God, and if I sound funny, it doesn’t matter because God sees my heart! He knows I desire to honor Him.
My heart sings along… “to live completely in Your love—so this is life!” I gaze outside my window, singing to Him, and the beauty of the Lord is in the tiny crystals of snow gently falling from the tree tops and roofs lining our neighborhood. The cold breezes cause them to gently drift down in front of my eyes as the light captures the movements of these transparent glass-like flakes. They appear like miniature diamonds in their reflection of the sparkling, warm morning light. I am in awe!
This is a Holy moment. God is in the details – even the ice crystals declare the beauty of a Divine Creator. How does the created not see the hand of holiness in nature? You will never be able to convince me that all of this is a giant, chaotic accident.
As I surrender my day to His will, I also surrender to His love, and I am filled with peace. “There is a reason I am alive! If I give the very best of me, time becomes my legacy!” I sing out loud to the Mercy Me song.
There is a reason for it all, and we get a chance to catch a glimpse of that today – right now – a piece of eternity, if we just slow down enough to take a look. What you will see today when you ask God to bless your eyes with an eternal view may surprise you! Be open to it.