A personal testimony of Shelley Singh
Although I think Social Media has drawbacks (like reducing real ‘face-time’ and circulating false info), many good things can come from it. Some of those are meeting sincere people who love Christ. One I’ve met is a woman who’s been following my Think Divinely blog named Shelley Singh. Shelley’s story is unique as she has converted to Christianity out of Sikhism. Since I’m a Christian Apologist (a theology that includes studies of worldview contrasts), I wanted to know her story. She was gracious enough to share it! Here is Shell’s story:

Tell us a bit about your background.
I was born and raised in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada. I grew up in a conservative Sikh family partaking in various traditions and religious rituals. My faith spiraled into rigid-religious fundamentalism. I firmly believed that Sikhs should have their own country, and I did not hold a favorable opinion of India. In 1993, changes happened quickly. We ended up moving to India, the very place I abhorred! I lived in North India for a few years, and was thus exposed to that culture. (Apart from my love for some Punjabi folk artists, I had no religious understanding and connection to Indian or Punjabi culture.) I felt that the extremists who practiced Sikhism understood how to truly follow Sikhism, unlike most Sikhs. I thought it was my duty to help them grow in this spiritual path to “true enlightenment.” Despite these activities, I sensed an inner turmoil beginning at the early age. Eventually, we ended moving back to Canada, and I continued to seek solace via religion, music, and culture as I began a quest for identity.
What do Sikhs believe?
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion which began approximately 500 years ago in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan. It highly emphasizes good works to become liberated from the cycle of reincarnation. Sikhism incorporates writings and influences from Hinduism, Islam, and softer tones of Judeo/Christianity. Sikhism has a greater influence of Sufi Islam rather than traditional Islam, and it is important to highlight this distinction as Sikhs are constantly mistaken for Muslims throughout the world. The purpose of Sikhism is to show the true path of enlightenment by condoning the caste system and the abuses present in Hinduism and Islam. However, Sikhism has not been able to achieve this because the caste system, honor killings, patriarchal systems and concepts of sin still permeate the Sikh society and the fabric of Punjabi culture.
Salvation is distinct between Sikhism and Christianity. Sikhism emphasizes a release from the bondage of the cycle of reincarnation with the sole purpose of becoming one with God; whereas in Christianity, one does not become “one with God”; instead, being a Christian means you retain your individuality—in other words, you are you forever… only better! In contrast, Christianity teaches that salvation is offered through the redemption of sin by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ alone.
This is by grace. It’s challenging for a Sikh to understand the concept of grace. Grace, as I understand it, is a gift that is freely given by a loving God. Sikhs rely on the Sikh scriptures, which is primarily the holy book known as Guru Granth Sahib, as the ultimate authority and compilation of teachings by the ten Sikh gurus or teachers. Personally, for this reason and history, it took me several years to receive a revelation of grace that truly reflected the heart and character of God. Christianity gave me the opportunity for the first time to enter a relational and communal dialogue that began a healing work in my soul and my life.
How did you become a Christian?
At the age of 13, my world was turned upside down when my parents announced they would be moving me from Canada to India to further my studies and expose me to a culture in which I wasn’t accustomed. My time in India was full of questions about God and angst towards my parents for forcing me to leave the only place where I was comfortable living. At age 18, after years of varying personal turmoil, including an identity crisis, I returned to Canada. When I returned, I was a changed person with an Indian collectivist ethos that forced me to re-integrate myself into Canadian society while feeling displaced. I went on to study at a university a few hours away from home. I constantly felt like I did not belong or fit in anywhere.
As time went by in Canada, my mother met a Sikh woman who was healed of cancer in Toronto and this woman shared the gospel with my mom. Miraculously, she accepted Christ quickly! On the other hand, I was hesitant and felt challenged by this event. I considered myself a liberal, and found my identity in immersing myself in a South Asian Diaspora (a religion) forsaking the fundamentalist aspects of the Sikh religion that once formed the core of my identity. I was given a book about Jesus from a dear friend and this book triggered my first dream. I began to have more dreams and visions over time which I could not ignore. I eventually accepted Christ as the one true God and as my personal Savior. I did not know how to apply Christian principles to life yet and still struggled to reconcile this new-found faith with my culture and my background.
What went wrong?
I wanted to get married young, and had a Hindu boyfriend I wanted to marry. God sent me a few warnings to not become “unequally yoked” (2 Cor. 6:14), yet I did not understand the concepts behind this; so, I disobeyed God. I gave into cultural pressure rampant in the honor and shame paradigms of my religious roots, and married my boyfriend. Over a few months, the marriage quickly dissolved. This rebellious choice led to much heartache including divorce, shame, debt, and so on.
I began to understand the spiritual realm and was overwhelmed. I had dreams of radical terrorists’ attack on America and Christianity. I went into a deep depression, and it took all my energy to work and function. I hoped that Jesus would fix my marriage, but this was only the beginning of issues to come.
The Persecution
I received public shame from family because of my divorce. Health issues, persecution at work and with friends all took a toll on me. Within two years, I had gained 35 pounds and began to exhibit signs of major inflammation in my organ systems. I began to feel some growths form in my body that Jesus healed later (in 2015). The Bible and the Holy Spirit were my only avenues of solace and peace. I didn’t listen to secular music, or watch TV or movies that were not Christian because I was very sensitive to those things in this season of my life. I needed to change my thinking. So, I began reading and understanding the Song of Solomon and began to build a foundation of Christian identity that healed me. This is how I began to understand the concept of grace.
Persevering by Grace
Over time, I realized I needed to seek the Lord’s will for my life, so I began to read scripture after the whirlwind of tumultuous events. Slowly, years of emptiness, depression and suicidal tendencies began to be replaced with resting in God’s presence along with new revelations—I began to learn how to hear from the Holy Spirit. I learned that healing and wholeness wasn’t insurmountable but a journey that the Lord was committed to embarking on alongside with me. I was grateful for His sweet presence despite all the unexpected curve balls that seemed to increase in the different areas of my life.
I became more comfortable with the triune nature of God as I yielded to the facets of the Father’s character. I am thankful that I could receive comfort from the Holy Spirit, along with counsel on how to grow in being led by the Spirit rather than relying on my natural desires. I am also eternally grateful for the gift of intimacy that brought the fullness of God’s grace into my life. This led me to true freedom. I was challenged to think and act as a child of God and therefore, I learned that I had a new identity that brought a greater purpose and wholeness to my life.
Evangelizing to Sikhs
As a former Sikh, I understand how to reach them for Christ. Sikhs do not understand the Trinity concept, among many aspects of Christianity. Therefore, it is imperative that Christians who dialogue with Sikhs communicate with love and grace of the true, triune nature of God. When talking with Sikhs, speak with respect and try to understand that cultural nuances play a significant role in establishing relationships. For instance, there are aspects of Sikhism that are favorable, like serving humanity and standing up for the justice of all people regardless of religion. Sikh religion and culture are often intertwined, and the best way to communicate is to answer questions while dismantling stereotypes of Christianity that may be deeply rooted. (I had to go through the process of unlearning and relearning many concepts during my spiritual walk.) It is my hope and prayer that you embrace Sikhs with the true love of God, just as Jesus embraced me with the tenderness of the Father’s whisper to embark on my faith path that is filled with grace.
About the author:
Shelley Singh is a believer in Christ who discovered that Love is the essence of God. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences from Canada, and a Clinical Doctorate in Audiology from the U.S. She enjoys sharing about the love and grace of God and is an ardent student of the Bible. Her interests include world missions, world religions, prophetic intercession, and teaching. She is fluent in Punjabi and speaks Hindi and Urdu. She can be found on social media on Twitter @ShelleySinghAuD.
Thank you so much for sharing Shelley’s testimony on your site. I live in an area with a large Sikh, HIndi, and Muslim population, so this was incredibly helpful for me as a believer. Blessings on your continued ministry!
Hi Alynda! I am SO glad to hear this story may help you to understand the Sikh religion. Hopefully, you might be able to chat with one of them someday and gently share the truth of Jesus with them. Like Shelley, perhaps they’ll come to know the God of Love. Bless your heart! Lisa Q
We all have stories that matter and this one is a great example. Because of what she has been through, she can reach out to others who struggle within her community. Shelley’s story shows how God’s grace is making a difference in lives. Thanks for sharing this inspiring story
Thanks, Yvonne. I am hopeful that this will encourage Christians to understand the different worldview in order to share the truth of Christianity.
Hi Lisa, thank you for sharing Shelley’s story on your blog. Shelley and I are friends and she has shared her incredible story with me. I know many will benefit from this and it will set a lot of people free who are stuck in bondage. Shelley is a wonderful voice in the Christian society and God will use her in reaching the nations.
God bless you, my friend.
Hi Carrie! That is SO cool that we’re mutual friends with Shelley. Did you meet her on Twitter, too? That is how I met you, and that is one thing about social media that I love. I love to meet other brothers and sisters in Christ, doing the work of the Kingdom simply out of a heart of love for Jesus. Amen! Love ya, girl. Blessings, Lisa Q
Thank you for sharing Shelley’s story. Very powerful. We can learn so much from each other. Sharing our stories is a great way to share God’s love.
Thanks, Melissa!
Powerful redemption story and I love Shelly’s testimony! Honestly, I wasn’t familiar at all with Sikhism. I found it interesting how she mentions Sikhs have trouble understanding the trinity and grace. Some Christians do too. They are hard concepts for human understanding. Thanks for sharing! Praying over her ministry!
Hi Karen,
Yes, the Trinity concept is the most challenging, to be sure. But I always think it should be challenging! I mean, He’s God after all, and we’re trying to figure Him all out? Not possible! We can know some things, but we certainly can’t know all things. Bless you! Lisa Q
Dear Shelley Singh!
Thank you for sharing your story here.
I’m also fascinated by reading about the different religions we have in the world. I liked your definition of Grace, that’s a good perspective.
I believe you can use your background and your story to inspire others in similar situations and with a similar background.
With love!
Edna Davidsen
Hi Edna! Thanks for your comments here. I will pass them along to Shelley. She’s great and has a heart to inspire others, for sure! Blessings, Lisa Q
Thank you, Lisa :-)Have a blessed Sunday!
This is a great article! Thanks for sharing this valuable insight.I love how you emphasized the importance of love, grace, and truth. I think that’s a solid foundation for any ministry.
Thanks, Heather!
I love reading and hearing people’s testimonies. Its fascinating to learn where our sisters and brothers have come from and see how God has been at work in other’s lives. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for your comments! Lisa Q
I love this story, Lisa. Shelley is an instrument of God in ways most of us could never be. It’s so important for us to hear such journeys. Thanks and God bless!
Thank you, Nancy! Yes, Shelley’s testimony is a powerful demonstration that Jesus transforms lives. Blessings, Lisa Q
This is such a beautiful story. I was very ignorant of what Sikhism was and learned so much.
This line touched me…, “I learned that healing and wholeness wasn’t insurmountable but a journey that the Lord was committed to embarking on alongside with me.” It gave me such a clear picture of how God walks alongside.
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks, Stephanie!
What a wonderful post! Thanks to Shelley for sharing her testimony. Our family does ministry in India, so this is a helpful firsthand testimony of some of the subtleties of Sikh belief and practice. Thanks to Shelley for sharing so transparently. I have great respect for the kindness and charity of Sikhs and for their cultural traditions. I was unaware that Sikhs experienced dreams and visions like so many Muslims do when they come to know Jesus. I appreciate the information you’ve presented here! Thank you! God bless you, Shelley and Lisa!
Hey Melinda! Thanks for your comments. Yes, I learned a lot from Shelley’s story. There are many subtelties to these religions, so it is a great way to understand them and hopefully, to share the love of Christ with them. Bless you! Lisa Q
Thanks for sharing the transformative journey of your life.
Dear Shelley,
Its very wonderful and encouragement one.
Blessed to read your life and You are living testimony of Christ.