I get the privilege of watching my son grow into a man. As I sit here, he sleeps on the couch besides me, as our cat naps on him. Deep, rhythmic breaths gently lift his chest up and down peacefullly—a chest that will soon have the sounds of a man’s voice, lowered by the ever growing vocal chords in his throat, as boyhood slips into manhood. He’s almost 12 years old now, a time where life is hard to remember.
I can remember when I turned 10 because that’s a double digit, and I suddenly felt more grown up. Then I recall being 13, and really started crushing on boys. But those two years between, 11 and 12, seem to have faded in my memories. I’m not sure why, but assume it’s because we change so much during those two years that it’s enough—changing into a teenager, becoming more aware of the world, which used to seem small around you, getting bigger and, in some ways, more hostile.
Since I am homeschooling Josh during these middle school years, I have a blessed opportunity to not only watch him grow into a man, but help shape that growth in such a tangible, moment-by-moment way. Every small detail of this time I am entrusted with by the Lord, and I recognize the calling. He’s asking much of me in this endeavor, and I pray I can accomplish what He wants to bring about in my son. I pray that I stay tuned-in to His Spirit, as He guides my hands, my words, my instruction to my boy as he grows into a man.
What kind of man will he become? With God’s help, Josh will become a great man of God, one who leads others to the truth and hope that is in Jesus Christ. In a world gone decadent, this is no small feat. It will take God’s grace to finish this race set before me, but finish I must! I cannot allow this time to be wasted and loose out on a God-given appointment.
So hear I sit, watching my son nap, as I know his body needs rest because of all the changes going on inside, making his physical body grow, change, develop. I will try my best to be God’s ambassador in this effort to school Josh at home, in a loving and comforting environment. I will teach him the Bible and what it means to listen to the Spirit of God inside your soul. What an awesome endeavor; what an awesome moment in time.
Take time to recognize the awesome moments God gives you, too. You’ll never regret it.